The pictures on the previous page dealt with specific structures in Orangeville Yard, with one notable exception:
By the time I got to Orangeville scant little remained of the roundhouse - I recall, I believe, six stalls. The one positive aspect of this is that they were part of the original roundhouse. The turntable bridge also appeared to be ancient - if not original, it was certainly from no later than the the '40s.
Roundhouse remains |
Turntable bridge |
Turntable bridge |
Turning the table |
Shop exterior |
Shop interior |
Shop interior |
General pics, and - what the heck is that?
Inspection pit |
Why? Thanks to George Pitz of Baltimore I KNOW why: a drip pan to catch fuel overflow! |
Gizmo |
Another gizmo |
a closer look |
View from coaling tower toward throat |
In closing...
And then I was shocked back into the present by a metroliner streaking toward Philadelphia; I was surrounded not by K4s and GG1s rumbling over polished steel ribbons, but by rusty rails choked by weeds - and instead of the symphony of a vibrant railroad I heard the discordant burps of 18-wheelers roaring loudly on Pulaski Highway as they passed the bones of the yard - taunting the ghosts of the giants that once roamed here.
Don't become a statistic - look, listen and live!
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Orangeville pics, page 1 | |
Orangeville maps, plus construction history | |
Photos of Orangeville when it was active | |
Camden Yards page | |
Mike's Railroad Page |
Photo of K-4 #3737 at Orangeville courtesy of Gary Mittner
All other photos © 1983, 2002 by Michael Calo Commercial use prohibited without writtem permission
Photo of PRR steam at Orangeville courtesy of Ken Meyer
PERSONAL use is ok, but please tell folks where you found them. Thanks!