Remember the Golden Rule? Well, it applies on the Baltimore and Annapolis Trail as well as anywhere else - perhaps
even moreso on the Trail because of space. Yes, the Trail is thirteen miles long, but it's only ten feet wide!
So remember:
Treat other trail guests the way you want to be treated.
- Respect private property along the trail
- Travel in the right-hand lane, just like on a highway
- Pass on the left and announce your intention - say something like "passing on your left", or simply "on your left".
- Because the Trail is also frequented by equestrians (horeback riders), use care around horses so as not to spook them
- DO NOT SPEED or otherwise ride recklessly
- Pedestrians have the right of way
- Use bike racks and always lock your bike
- Move off the trail when stopped. This includes making sure your bicycle is completely out of the traffic area of the Trail
- Clean up after your pet
- Notify emergency services in the event of an accident or incident; call 911 in the event of a fire or medical emergency
For additional information, please contact:Baltimore and Annapolis Trail Park P.O. box 1007 Severna Park, MD 21146 410-222-6244 |
Last updated Monday, July 17, 2000
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